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Qué es el stock de seguridad y cómo se calcula

What is safety stock and how is it calculated?

Effectively managing inventory is crucial for staying competitive and meeting market demands. In this article, we're delving into what safety stock is, its importance...
Cuál es el papel de un consultor logístico

What’s the role of a logistics consultant

In textile logistics, behind every move and every decision lies the vital role of the logistics consultant. But what does this role entail exactly? In this article, we're diving deeply into...
Qué pruebas se realizan en la ropa para comprobar su calidad

What tests are carried out on clothing to check its quality

The quality of clothing is a determining factor for the success of any brand. Consumers seek garments that are not only aesthetically appealing, but also durable and comfortable...
Qué es la logística integral y qué ventajas tiene

What’s integral logistics and what’re its advantages

Integral logistics is an increasingly relevant concept in today's business world, especially in the textile logistics sector, where productivity and efficient processes are crucial...
Creación de la Cátedra ‘ErgonomIA Saludable’ por la Universidad San Jorge y Grupo Lacor

Creation of the Chair ‘Healthy Ergonomics’ by the University San Jorge and Lacor Textil

Grupo Lacor is associated with the San Jorge University in the creation of the Corporate Chair "Healthy Ergonomics". This initiative represents a significant milestone...
10 estrategias para optimizar la cadena de suministro

10 Strategies to Optimize the Supply Chain

A properly managed supply chain not only ensures timely delivery of products but also reduces costs, enhances customer satisfaction, and strengthens...
5 razones para implementar outsourcing logístico en la cadena de suministro

5 reasons to implement logistic outsourcing in the supply chain

Effectively managing the supply chain is crucial for the success of any company, especially in the textile logistics sector. In the current business situation, logistics...
Qué es el cross-docking y cómo funciona

What is cross-docking and how does it work

In textile chain management, cross-docking is a key strategy for enhancing the supply chain and expediting the movement of goods. In this article...
Qué es el control de stock y qué importancia tiene

What is stock control and how important is it

Among the services offered by textile logistics, stock control determines the success or failure of a company's operations. Next, we will analyze in detail...
Qué es la externalización de servicios logísticos y qué ventajas tiene

What is logistics outsourcing and what are its advantages

In the textile logistics environment, where speed and effectiveness are practically mandatory, outsourcing services become a fundamental strategy. In this article...
Cuáles son los beneficios de la consultoría logística para las empresas

What are the benefits of logistics consulting for companies

In an increasingly competitive business world, productivity in the supply chain has become indispensable. Logistics consulting is a tool that serves to streamline processes...
Diferencias entre picking y packing de almacén

What are the differences between picking and packing?

In the textile logistics sector, understanding the distinction between picking and packing is crucial to achieving maximum productivity in the supply chain. In this analysis...
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