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Lacor Textil is associated with the San Jorge University in the creation of the Corporate Chair “Healthy Ergonomics”. This initiative represents a significant milestone in our commitment to research and improvement of musculoskeletal health.
The Chair’s main objective is to develop multidimensional research activities, using advanced technology and innovative methods to address musculoskeletal pathologies from a variety of perspectives. We are delighted to work with renowned research groups such as VALORA, UNLOC, iPHYSIO and MOTUS, who will provide expertise in key areas related to human movement and musculoskeletal health.
In addition to financial support for these research groups, we are committed to the pre-doctoral training of research staff, which will contribute to the advancement of knowledge in this crucial field.
We are also pleased that this collaboration is not only limited to research, but also promotes training events such as courses, congresses and seminars, as well as the exchange of knowledge and collaboration in consulting projects.
We are confident that this initiative will not only benefit our company and San Jorge University, but will also have a positive impact on society by improving the understanding and treatment of musculoskeletal pathologies.
Our visit to the facilities of the Faculty of Health Sciences at San Jorge University reaffirms our commitment to this collaboration and our interest in driving research and innovation in the field of ergonomics and musculoskeletal health.We look forward to working together on this exciting project.
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