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Merry Christmas

From all of us who are part of this great family. Happy 2020
Lacor Textil gestiona ya en Plaza más de 100.000 prendas al día para tiendas de Zara

Lacor Textil already manages in Plaza more than 100,000 garments per day for Zara stores

Lacor Textil, a division of the Lacor Group, has experienced rapid growth thanks to its collaboration with Inditex in the ironing and preparation of garments for Zara. In less than two years, they have doubled their space and quadrupled their workforce.
Zara convierte una empresa de planchado en un referente del textil

Zara turns an ironing company into a textile benchmark

Inditex's success drives ancillary and service industries where it operates, such as in Zaragoza, where its logistics center for Zara is increasing activity at the airport and benefiting other companies in the same business park.
El grupo aragonés Lacor crea 100 empleos con su nueva división textil

Aragonese group Lacor creates 100 jobs with its new textile division

El Periódico de Aragón, 06/10/2017. The Aragonese group Lacor has just taken another step forward in its firm commitment to diversification with the opening of an industrial ironing center in the Zaragoza Logistics Platform (Plaza).
Grupo LACOR abre una nueva filial textil con sede en Plaza que genera 50 empleos directos

LACOR Group opens a new textile subsidiary headquartered in Plaza, generating 50 direct Jobs

Grupo Lacor diversifies its business portfolio with the creation of Lacor Textil, specialized in industrial ironing. The company initially works for Inditex and has invested 1.2 million euros in its 5,000 m2 facilities, generating around 50 direct jobs.
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