Quality policy
Lacor Textil is a company serving the textile industry, focusing on providing customised services to our clients for their garments, tailored to their specific needs. We are located in the Plataforma Logística Plaza, with facilities spanning over 15,000 m² dedicated to our operations.
The Board of Directors of Lacor Textil S.L., in the exercise of its responsibilities and fully aware that the excellent management of all processes and resources is essential for the sustainable creation of value for all its stakeholders, approves this quality policy. Its purpose is to develop mechanisms to enhance the competitiveness of our services through the efficient and excellent management of our processes, resources, and logistics.
Lacor Textil’s value creation model is built upon three main strategic pillars:
- Operational excellence
- Profitable and sustainable growth
- A customer and stakeholder-focused vision as the central point of all our activities
Based on the above, the following basic principles of action are established:
- Continuous improvement of satisfaction for external and internal customers and stakeholders, fostering cooperative relationships to meet or exceed their needs and expectations while complying with legal, customer, and other requirements.
- Promotion of the quality management system, which serves as a constant control and evaluation point for all measures and proposals made or to be made (conducting audits, measuring indicators, defining objectives, studying non-conformities, etc.).
- Projection and promotion of operational excellence by fostering a culture of continuous improvement and excellence in management, aiming to enhance the company’s competitiveness and create value for employees and shareholders.
- Providing our employees with the necessary training to develop their skills and competencies, thereby achieving greater satisfaction both for the employees and in the processes.
Therefore, it is established to promote and develop a management system in accordance with the UNE EN ISO 9001 standard, with the involvement and effort of our entire team.
To ensure compliance with this Management Policy, the management commits to providing sufficient resources (financial, human, material, or otherwise) to the organisation, to achieve the correct performance of our activities and the highest possible performance. The Policy will be continuously reviewed and is available to interested parties.