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Lacor Textil had the pleasure of receiving in its facilities on Monday 19 a visit by the teaching staff of the IES Luis Buñuel de Zaragoza and MODATEX of Porto (Portugal). The visit took place within the framework of Erasmus+ collaboration between Lacor Textil and the mentioned educational centers with whom an agreement was signed so that the student Rafael De Sá could carry out his professional practices with us.
Through the aforementioned agreement has provided the opportunity to make a training stay to improve and deepen the knowledge of the textile sector operations. Therefore, Rafael has been rotating between the different departments that make up the structure of our company, thus obtaining a multidisciplinary, close and complete vision of the textile reoperation processes carried out in our facilities in Polígono Plaza.
During the visit, both the company staff and the teaching staff of the training centers have been able to exchange impressions and show their satisfaction, hoping that this will be the first of many other collaborations.
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