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Lacor Textil, the latest division created by the Aragonese business group Lacor, grows in activity and employment hand in hand with its client Inditex, for whose center in the Logistics Platform of Zaragoza (Plaza) works in industrial ironing and other actions related to women’s garments of the Zara clothing chain that must be sent to stores located outside Spain.
Less than two years after its start-up, Lacor Textil has doubled its facilities and quadrupled the employment generated by handling more than 100,000 garments a day.
A tour of the warehouses of this company in Bari de Plaza street clearly describes the process that takes place from the moment dresses, pants, blouses, jackets and other garments arrive in the boxes of clothes manufactured by suppliers in Cambodia, China or India to go through the ironing and bagging process that takes place in the facilities of Lacor Textil, a firm that already employs 220 workers, 80% of them women.
In an enclosed area, several women are working on hand-ironing garments that need special care because they have been indicated in advance or for specific corrective actions. In a separate area there are people sewing buttons or performing specific tasks to ensure that all the clothes leaving this plant arrive at the stores in ideal conditions, with the appropriate labeling (including prices in euros, pounds sterling or the corresponding currency) and in perfect condition. Staff at Inditex’s Plaza site, who certify that all quality processes are adhered to, can often be seen…
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