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The Aragonese business group Lacor continues to grow and adds a new area of activity the eighth to its business portfolio. The family firm led by Ángel Adiego has created Lacor Textil, specialized in industrial ironing, which will generate some 50 direct jobs in its 5,000 square meter facilities in the Plaza industrial estate, in which it has invested 1.2 million euros.
After starting out in 1981 as a cleaning services company, the Lacor group has been expanding its field of action hand in hand with the customers for whom it works, giving rise to a diversification that has occurred naturally. This is precisely how Lacor Textil came into being, as Adiego explains. Linked to the Galician group Inditex for 30 years, Lacor launched a subsidiary that began working for the company created by Amancio Ortega, in this case working with Zara garments which, after the corresponding ironing process, are sent to Inditex’s logistics center in Plaza for their subsequent distribution all over the world.
The Aragonese company states on its web page that Lacor Textil has been set up “with highly specialized personnel and state-of-the-art technical and material resources: ironing tunnels, topper irons, manual irons, mannequins, bagging machines, automatic garment counters and our own fleet-operated merchandise transport system”.
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