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The Aragonese group Lacor has just taken another step forward in its firm commitment to diversification with the opening of an industrial ironing center in the Zaragoza Logistics Platform (Plaza). The plant, of 5,000 square meters, operates on a rental basis and started its activity last June. This new line of business, called Lacor Textil, has created 100 new jobs (the group now has more than 700 workers) and is currently working for Inditex.
Specifically, the Aragonese family company is mainly in charge of ironing the clothes it receives from the Galician group and then sends the goods in its own trucks (it also has a logistics division) to the Inditex macrocenter in Plaza. In addition, the company from Zaragoza carries out what the Zara or Massimo Dutti group calls reoperations. That is to say, it corrects punctual faults in labeling, badly sewn buttons or any other defect.
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