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This week at Lacor Textil we have held a very special training day together with Empatif, focused on Criminal Liability in the Prevention of Occupational Risks. A session where we not only review the laws and regulations in force, but also work on key aspects such as communication and collaboration between colleagues, essential elements to guarantee safety in our day-to-day lives.
Safety at work is everyone’s commitment and at Lacor Textil we are very clear about it. That is why we are committed to the continuous training of our team, convinced that only through knowledge and awareness can we build a safer work environment for everyone.
During the training, we address topics such as the most common crimes related to lack of prevention, the legal consequences of negligence in terms of occupational safety, and the keys to implementing effective prevention models and regulatory compliance programs that protect both the company and each worker.
But it was not all theory. There was also time to laugh and enjoy very fun activities where our classmates gave it their all. Through games we put into practice what we learned, reinforcing the importance of prevention and the value of working as a team.
At Lacor Textil we are convinced that prevention is not only learned, but also lived! That is why we continue to reinforce this message with training actions that help us grow as a team and take care of the most important thing: people.
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